State of Ecological Restoration in Portugal April 20 @ 18:00 - 19:15


This is the 4th of the webinar series by SER Europe in 2022 - This year 18hr CET a SER Europe member will lecture us on the State of Ecological Restoration on her/his Country, followed by a Q&A and a conclusion on best practices and further research+innovation networking. REGISTER NOW TO LEARN AND NETWORK!

The session will cover restoration in different habitats and landscapes in Portugal:

  1. Introduction and main challenges - Alice Nunes
  2. Burnt areas restoration - António Patrão ICNF
  3. River restoration - Patricia Rodriguez Gonzalez - ISA
  4. Dune restoration - Patrícia Pinto da Silva - CMA
  5. Marine restoration - Ana Sousa - CESAM